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Burnout and the Radical Path of Non-Abandonment of Self
It takes an enormous amount of courage and vulnerability to talk about and get curious about burnout. At its core, burnout actually reflects a very important set of primal human needs and wishes - safety, belonging, and dignity. Burnout is simply a response to overwhelming life experiences. An adaptive strategy to the underlying need for safety, slowing down, and a holding environment where all parts of oneself are welcome, seen, heard, and acknowledged.
Holiday Stress: 5 Ways to Stay True to You When Visiting Family
Are you feeling the stress of the holidays? You’re not alone. The holidays can be the most stressful time of year for many if not most of us: in the U.S., a whopping 89% of adults say that anticipating family conflict, among other factors, causes them stress at this time of year.
If you’re choosing to spend your holidays with family, here are some somatic and cognitive practices to support you as you navigate the joys and challenges of the season.
Back to the Land
Becoming as embodied and connected to the earth as we can is potentially one of the most deeply spiritual experiences we can have whilst on this planet. Rather than this never-ending quest to go up and out, connect with something greater, and be outside of ourselves, perhaps what needs to happen is to find a place of more balance with our earthly selves.
What is Ukemi?
“How do you ~do~ that?” is a frequent question usually referring to ukemi when directed to me. The quiet falls, smooth rolls, breakfalls, high falls, quick get ups, strong attacks - there are so many tangible skills, but the sum of all those together still don’t quite capture great ukemi. An uke can learn, practice, and do all those things, but where’s the je ne sais quoi?
Why to Include Coaching in Your Healing
When is it time to focus on healing - processing stuck emotions and changing old patterns of behaviour - and when is it time to focus on “doing”?
Tools for Self-Renewal, Manifesting and Creating Space
As we find ourselves midway through the year, it's a chance to realign with our intentions, aspirations, and desires. It's a opportunity to reconnect with our inner selves, assess our progress, and make adjustments for the second half of the year. Explore our Renew & Manifest journal prompts from our dear friend Chara Caruthers to manifest wholeness, fulfilment, joy and peace in the year ahead.
How to Build an Abundant Mindset
Love fills in the gap of loneliness and generates a euphoric sense of belonging, creating one of the strongest, naturally produced pain relievers. As humans, we are also hardwired to seek out and maintain these social bonds as a means of preservation. The irony for many of us is that just because we desire to be loved and have a biological drive for it does not mean that we can receive it—or for that matter—even tolerate the presence of it.
Somatic strategies for staying centered these holidays
The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and family gatherings. However, it can also be a time of stress, anxiety, and overwhelming emotions. If you're feeling overwhelmed or struggling to stay calm during the holiday season, somatic based practices and therapies may be able to help you feel more grounded, centered and peaceful through whatever this season brings you.
‘Soma’ is a Greek word for ‘the living body known from within’, or known to the Self. This ‘knowing’ signifies wholeness. Somatic therapy is an experiential approach towards mindbody integration and can assist you to find calm and peace in challenging moments.
An end-of-year thank you from The Embody Lab
The end of one year and the start of another is a time for reflection, renewal, and resetting. To thank you for being a part of this very special global community we have three offerings for you to support you in that process.
We wish you the most wonderful holiday season and we look forward to continuing our journey with you as part of the collective embodiment in 2023.
Thank you for being here with us.
The art of living like you love yourself
Are you living like you love yourself? What does this idea mean to you? Living like you love yourself is, in short, living in a way that honors who you are at every level of your being, recognizing that who you are is more than how or what you think, or your physical appearance, or your current situation or life circumstances. And in a world where your external power is often contingent on these very characteristics, Living like you love yourself optimizes your internal power by connecting you deeply to what feeds you and what stops you so that you can make choices, however limited or unlimited they may be that truly serve who you are. READ MORE..
A gift to ground, nourish, & uplift
Ground, nourish and restore with this delicious sound journey created by our dear friend Amy Thiessen. Our gift to you to usher in the new year.
Renew and manifest for the year ahead
The holidays are a prime time to renew, restore, and create space to usher in the new year. It's a time to tune in, identify and bring forth that which wishes to manifest in the year ahead. Explore our Renew & Manifest journal prompts from our dear friend Chara Caruthers to manifest wholeness, fulfilment, joy and peace in the year ahead.
5 Things Ayurveda Wants You to Know About Yourself
The beauty (and power) of Ayurveda is in it's simple message... First know yourself, and then above all else love yourself. It's a time-tested body of wisdom that helps you understand why this is vital to your health and then provides some of the tools you need to do it.
Uncovering the Secrets to Health and Happiness
Like many westerners, I discovered Ayurveda through yoga. Its simple message about the value of living authentically spoke directly to my soul. It was the wisdom that I'd been looking for...
The Four Pillars of Healing and Wellbeing
Through exploring our four different approaches to enhancing and restoring vitality and connection, you will gain a holistic understanding and capacity to apply a diversity of tools and frameworks to support others to live life in flow— on and off the mat.
Humanity in a Time of Collective Initiation
The whole of humanity has been thrown, or guided, or entered out of necessity into an underworld journey. The question for us is: can we travel together with enough compassion….. so that the potential fruits of this initiation can be fully reaped, eventually.
Embodiment and Adaptability
Today there is much mention of embodiment in movement practices. But what really is embodiment?
The Bandhas
The Bandhas are seals for containing and directing prana flow within the body. They are practiced in the central body and find their organizing structures in four of the main diaphragms.