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The Path to Healing Trauma with Peter A. Levine, PhD


The Path to Healing Trauma:
Trauma Healing Tools in Action

With Peter A. Levine, PhD

LIVE & ONLINE: November 16th, 17th, 23rd, and 24th, 2024
from 2-3:30pm ET (U.S. Eastern Time) each day


This class can be attended live or via the on-demand recordings. All class times are posted in Eastern Time / New York time zone.
Check how this translates into your local Time Zone.




• Unpacking Hope with Dr. Levine, Dr. Sará King & Dr. Scott Lyons
• Evolution of Somatic Trauma Therapy with Dr. Levine
• Healing Intergenerational & Attachment Trauma with Dr. Levine




“I have come to the conclusion that human beings are born with an innate capacity to triumph over trauma. I believe not only that trauma is curable, but that the healing process can be a catalyst for profound awakening—a portal opening to emotional and genuine spiritual transformation.”



Join Peter A Levine, PhD, the Developer and Founder of Somatic Experiencing® (SE™), a naturalistic and neurobiological approach to healing trauma, in this four-part workshop series exploring how SE integrates simple and proven somatic techniques to aid in calming the nervous system, release stored trauma, and promote healing.

Somatic Experiencing® is a body-oriented therapeutic model applied in multiple professions and professional settings—psychotherapy, medicine, coaching, teaching, and physical therapy—for healing trauma and other stress disorders. It is based on a multidisciplinary intersection of physiology, psychology, ethology, biology, neuroscience, indigenous healing practices, and medical biophysics. It has been helping individuals find release and healing from trauma & stress for more than four decades.

Somatic Wounds and Complex Trauma

Complex trauma refers to repeated exposure to traumatic events, often starting from an early age, and typically involves multiple forms of abuse, neglect, or violence. Somatic wounds are the physical manifestations or bodily sensations that arise from this complex trauma. These experiences can disrupt long-term physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. 

Complex trauma can have a profound impact on the nervous system and disrupt the body's natural ability to regulate stress. This dysregulation can lead to the development of somatic wounds, which may include chronic pain, somatic dissociation, hypervigilance, gastrointestinal issues, and a range of other physical symptoms. These somatic wounds serve as tangible reminders of the trauma and can contribute to ongoing distress and dysfunction.

Complex trauma encompasses a wide range of experiences, including early exposure to neglect, abuse, or violence. These experiences can have a profound impact on long-term physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. 

The journey towards healing somatic wounds is not always a straightforward path. Progress often takes twists and turns, and traditional therapy approaches sometimes fall short. Rather than solely relying on the recollection and retelling of painful events, it is essential to embrace a more holistic approach.

About this Workshop

In this transformative four-part series, Dr Levine will demonstrate a deep understanding of how complex trauma originates––and how somatic-based therapy can help clients address, process, and begin healing more quickly and effectively.

Through four 90-minute live sessions, Dr Levine will personally guide you through client demonstration videos. At every step, he will pause to explain his approach and techniques, generously sharing his wisdom. By immersing yourself in this experience, you will gain insight into a method that can be immediately integrated into your practice, enabling you to access the power of somatics to heal trauma and restore a sense of wholeness, peace and well-being.

What you will learn:

  • Conduct a physical way of releasing complex trauma from the body

  • Differentiate what unfolds organically in the body versus focusing on the story content

  • Evaluate the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system for signs that indicate dysregulation

  • Define the Ventral Vagal state of vitality and well-being

  • Adjust bracing patterns created from overactivity in the sympathetic nervous system

  • Demonstrate somatic skills that allow your client to more comfortably express difficult emotions, facilitate release, and increase resiliency

  • Practice the skill of Pendulation, Dr. Levine’s process of expanding and contracting to release trauma held in the body

  • Utilize sound and movement as a way to shift a nervous system state from a freeze response to presence 

  • Address complex trauma by reinforcing choice and curiosity

  • Apply body-based therapeutic techniques during an online session with a client

What’s included in your registration?

  • Four live & online 90-minute sessions with Dr. Peter A Levine, including client session video debriefs to identify SE techniques and explain the work in action, and a Q&A

  • Lifetime access to video, audio, transcripts, & additional course resources. 

  • Every session is recorded and available to you in your online content library. Learn at your own pace or revisit the material again.




These deep-dive training experiences are offered with an exclusive discount for all Embody Lab Members. This means that if you attend regularly, your membership fees could well be covered! 

If you would like to take advantage of this discount, become a member here before registering for this course.







PLEASE NOTE: These sessions are a workshop series and are not available to be purchased individually.




This Master Workshop consists of four 1.5 hour sessions,
PLUS 4 hours of BONUS pre-recorded content.

November 16th, 17th, 23rd, and 24th, 2024
from 2-3:30pm ET (U.S. Eastern Time) each day

Recordings will also be available as part of our On-Demand Content Library. You will receive clear instructions on how to access your classes upon registration.




This course is designed for mental health professionals, bodyworkers, yoga devotees, mindfulness practitioners, coaches, and anyone seeking to find a greater sense of internal harmony, acceptance, confidence, calmness, wisdom, compassion, and connectedness.





“Taking time is very important as body time is much slower than cognitive time or emotional time.”



This year's series with Dr. Levine will guide us through client demonstration sessions where he evaluates healthy or insecure attachment patterning in order to structure ways to implement deeper healing using Somatic Experiencing® (SE™) tools. His method supports a client’s lean into difficult emotions to facilitate a release of locked trauma and increase true resiliency. By using the SE rhythm of titration and pendulation Dr. Levine is able to work with early developmental trauma in the body without overwhelm by reinforcing choice and curiosity.

SESSION ONE: Honoring Your Younger Self

Dr. Levine works with a young female struggling with alcohol and marijuana use, self-destructiveness, and racial and developmental trauma. She has been sober for 6-7 weeks at the time of the session. She grew up in severe poverty and was neglected by her parents, who abused hard substances. As a young child they were in and out of jail. She experienced near death in childhood due to medical abandonment when she required surgery. Her siblings have followed the same path as her parents. She promised herself that she would not use negative coping mechanisms but now feels she has failed her younger self.

In this session, you will learn how to:

• Connect any emotion, image, behavior, movement, or thought to its partner in sensation

• Work with a client to transition them out of the negative self-talk and other unproductive coping mechanisms

• Access the physiological awareness of the felt sense of safety in the body

• Celebrate the client’s sense of control and self-efficacy as they successfully re-negotiate their trauma

• Explore interconnectedness as a deeper spiritual level of trauma resolution; ie poetry and art

• Implement somatic based work during an online session with a client

During this Session, Dr. Levine uses: shame posture, resourcing, running flight, spontaneous breath, pendulation, opposites, shifting sensations, corrective languaging, orienting.

SESSION TWO: Untangling the Panic Sequence

Dr. Levine works with a patient who in the Navy during underwater work in a subsurface platform, had an emergency that required him to resurface too quickly. After that incident, he began having heart palpitations and his ears were popping. It appears the physiological response of sensing his heart racing has triggered deeper earlier trauma. Since the experience, he is struggling with generalized anxiety, panic disorders, agoraphobia, major depression, gut problems, and OCD. He dissociates often and has trouble having contact with others. The client would like to understand how and why he goes into panic states so that he can figure out how to stop it.

In this session, you will learn how to:

• Recognize when your client is stuck in a threat response that is keeping them from living in the present

• Build your client’s confidence in tolerating uncomfortable feelings in order for them to move through and dissipate

• Practice the pattern of interrupt as a pacing tool to build resiliency

• Use content as an entry point without overwhelm

• Develop somatic exercises to connect a client to their inner power as a healthy form of aggression

During this Session, Dr. Levine uses: titration, orienting, Voo, shifting sensations, spontaneous breath, connection to the belly, and jaw to the point of tension.

SESSION THREE: Overcoming Long Term Violence

Dr. Levine works with a client who since childhood has experienced domestic violence and emotional abuse from his father who was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic. His mother was codependent and frequently had boyfriends in the house who were very physically abusive. He suffered from bullying and assaults in his household, in his neighborhood and school. He has experienced suicidal intent, poor health, panic attacks, night terrors, academic fear of failure, financial hardship, and insomnia. His self worth has been difficult to grasp. He would like to reduce panic attacks/anxiety, form healthy relationships, have a long term job, and develop a restful sleep pattern. He is still living in his family of origin home which causes him a lot of anxiety.

In this session, you will learn how to::

• Orient your client towards sensing presence both internally and externally without overwhelm

• Weave in healing metaphors that arise from the client

• Help clients increase their tolerance for pleasure, joy, and nourishment

• Deepen your client’s ability to receive contact that strengthens embodiment and presence

• Review accomplishments at the end of a session and give somatic psychoeducation to reinforce the progress and empower the client

During this Session, Dr. Levine uses: The Voo, Voo jaw gut, orienting, drawing the environment in through the eyes, shifting sensations, titration, shame posture.

SESSION FOUR: Moving towards the Authentic Self

Dr. Levine works with a client who was born to a 15 yr old mother. At one week old she was put in a foster family and adopted soon after. At 3 weeks old she had a tonsillectomy and at 4.5 months she had episodes that stopped her breathing followed by being hospitalized for a week, but nothing could be identified for why the apnea occurred. She was hospitalized for a concussion at age 10. At ages 7-20 she struggled with connecting to her anxious, rigid, adopted mother. When she was approx 30 she had unfruitful reunions with her birth parents. Client desires to feel more rooted in the community and have relationships that last. She wants to move forward in becoming a “real” person and to let go of some of the ambivalence she has about being alive.

In this session, you will learn how to:

• Acknowledge pre-verbal medical interventions as a potential source of trauma responses

• Differentiate unhealthy aggression from healthy aggression

• Aid in connecting a client with their vitality, their lifeforce

• Use impulse to track sensations in the body regardless of what's happening in the client’s experience or lack of experience

• Access the story through imagination to expand the sense of relational resources

During this Session, Dr. Levine uses: resourcing, voo, smovey movement, grounding, pendulation, healthy aggression, psycho-drama, orienting.



Somatic Experiencing® Handout

Please note, the one prerequisite for this workshop is the following Somatic Experiencing® PDF. Please use the button below to access the PDF. You may download it directly to your computer or print the PDF from the button link.




• Unpacking Hope with Dr. Levine, Dr. Sará King & Dr. Scott Lyons
• Evolution of Somatic Trauma Therapy with Dr. Levine
• Healing Intergenerational & Attachment Trauma with Dr. Levine




Developer of Somatic Experiencing® (SE™)

Peter A Levine, Ph.D., is the developer of Somatic Experiencing®, a naturalistic and neurobiological approach to healing trauma. He holds doctorates in both Biophysics and Psychology. He is the Founder and President of the Ergos Institute for Somatic Education and the Founder and Advisor for Somatic Experiencing® International. 

Dr. Levine is the author of several best-selling books on trauma, including Waking the Tiger, Healing Trauma (published in over 29 languages). He has received multiple Lifetime Achievement awards, including from Psychotherapy Networker and from the US Association for Body-Oriented Psychotherapy. His work has been taught to over 50,000 practitioners in over 42 countries. He is currently a Senior Fellow and consultant at The Meadows Addiction and Trauma Treatment Center in Wickenburg, Arizona, and continues to teach trauma healing workshops internationally. To learn more visit




These deep-dive training experiences are offered with an exclusive discount for all Embody Lab Members. This means that if you attend regularly, your membership fees could well be covered! 

If you would like to take advantage of this discount, become a member here before registering for this course.







PLEASE NOTE: These sessions are a workshop series and are not available to be purchased individually.



This workshop series is included in your registration for the Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Certificate Program. Participants who have registered for this certificate program will automatically be registered for this workshop absolutely free of charge.


November 14

Fall Somatic Practitioner Mentorship Program

November 18

Applied Polyvagal Theory in Therapeutic Yoga for Trauma Recovery Certificate Information Session