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2022 Embodied Social Justice Summit


The Embodied Social Justice Summit

Exploring & Empowering a Sustainable Global Transformation



The 2022 Embodied Social Justice Summit is an on-demand, 5-day online conference offering a unique opportunity to hear from some of the most impactful voices at the intersection of embodiment, somatics and social justice.

We’re facing a critical moment in our history as the realities of systemic oppression and marginalization have heralded the awakening of a world ready to respond to the social justice issues of our time. The collective focus on this topic has seen a significant rise in folks committed to collective liberation, unlearning oppressive social systems, and restoring and repairing our social contract with one another. Love stands at the heart of all this. In the words of Rev angel Kyodo williams, “Love and Justice can not be separated.”

Join us as we embark on the path of social transformation together!


During this event we’ll explore some of the most potent questions of our time:

  • How can we reimagine and embrace new forms of activism?

  • How do we take effective action in the world to respond to social justice issues?  

  • How do we become the change we wish to see, and what does it look like from an embodied perspective? 

  • How can we stay grounded and centered and increase our capacity for sustainable change? 

Our current understanding of how trauma impacts the body has centralized the role of the body in alchemizing what has held us in cycles of reactivity and disconnection; unable to find each other in the reach towards healing our world.

We wish this summit to be an opportunity to absorb the wisdom of many incredible somatic and social justice change makers, and shine a light on the path forward on our collective journey.


All are welcome.

Activists, Aspiring Activists, Somatic Practitioners, Psychologists and Therapists, Mindfulness Practitioners, Parents, Teachers, Educators, Artists, and anyone interested in exploring the mind/body/soul connection through the lens of Embodied Social Justice.

Oppression spares no body. Injustices are both systemic and intimate, taking root in the flesh.


  • Want to empower yourself and others to be seen, heard and expressed through their authentic self.

  • Want to gain knowledge about somatics, imbalances of power, trauma therapy, social / cultural / racial / gender / disability and environmental justice.

  • Are looking for an integrative way of exploring activism and healing.

  • Are interested in incorporating somatic methods of awareness and healing into your daily life.

  • Wish to explore the political landscape of the body.

  • Want to sustainably reconnect yourself and others to their full potential of agency and power. 

  • Want to listen, connect, and move from the inner wisdom of the body.

  • Want to connect with others in a like-minded community engaged in somatics, personal, and social transformation.


The Embodied Social Justice Summit is a unique opportunity to hear from some of the most impactful voices at the intersection of embodiment, somatics and social justice.

You don’t want to miss these talks! We’ll explore:

  • The embeddedness of our bodies in culture and history. 

  • Sustainability, self-care and resilience along the path of social justice.

  • Topics such as: pleasure activism, social abolitionism, indigenous healing practices for the earth, the creative arts and activism, climate justice, queer and trans justice, and more. 

  • How dimensions of trauma impact approaches to activism. 

  • Why traditional forms of activism require an embodied approach.

  • Deeply important and perception-altering topics and approaches to justice.

  • Learning from and interacting live with some of the most interesting teachers, researchers, and healers in embodied social justice.

  • Connecting with like-hearted people interested in and dedicated to justice work at the level of the personal and communal.

  • Learning embodied approaches to social justice work.

  • How to connect our unique expression and creativity into social justice work.


This summit consists of 50+ hours of on-demand online teaching sessions.

Each session is 60 - 90 minutes in duration, and is available to watch on-demand at your own pace. You will receive clear instructions on how to access the recordings.

Get Lifetime Access to all presentations and practice sessions with The Full Summit Collection. You’ll have the freedom to watch and listen to the sessions whenever and wherever you want!


  • Gain insights into how we might resist the social, political and cultural changes that are lived through our bodies.

  • Learn from and interact live with some of the most inspirational teachers, researchers, and healers at the intersection of psychology, embodiment and somatics.

  • Connect with like-minded people interested in and dedicated to healing in their own lives and in the world, learning and growing together.

  • Discover practical tools and practices to start using right away.

  • Join the revolution of coming home to the body and rediscovering how it can truly transform our lives and the world!



Our relationship to our body determines how we make our way in the world.


We believe an embodied social activism is a sustainable social activism.

Our intention with this event is to explore the intersection of oppression and embodiment; how social and political structures are embedded within bodies (we include the psyche when talking about the body); and how through engaging the body we can respond to the social justice issues of our time, and begin the work of dismantling oppressive systems in our reach towards personal and communal liberation.  

Where somatics meets social justice, for us, is where fear and paralysis can become the fire that fuels sustainable activism in the world. We wish to make this exploration as broadly accessible as possible.

There is a growing community exploring and teaching at the intersection of somatics and activism.  This summit is intended to join our voices together for an incredibly powerful event.  With the presence of each participant and presenter, we wholeheartedly believe that we can build sustainable and embodied processes for personal and social transformation.

February 8

Movement, Deep Listening & Storytelling

February 20

Somatic Stress Release™Certificate Information Session